I’m with Trump on this one. He’s not my choice for the Republican nominee, but I don’t like what I’m seeing from either the left and the right as both blame him for what happened in Chicago last Friday night.
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Cop wounded by "non-violent" Chicago leftists |
Assorted young leftists outside the hall where Trump was so speak carried “Bernie” signs and used foul language as they argued with Trump supporters going into the rally. Leftist women angrily shouted “F*** you and your White Male Privilege!” Others wore black and white neck scarves called “keffiyehs” just like the ones Yasser Arafat always wore, and, I assume, to proclaim their solidarity with Palestinian terrorists like him. Still others carried “Black Lives Matter!” signs and all were yelling “Racist!” and “Fascist!” The irony of calling Trump fascist while acting like fascists themselves was evidently lost on them. Remember, the Black Lives Matter movement was created with a $30 million donation from radical left billionaire George Soros in Ferguson, Missouri to further the lie that Michael Brown supposedly put up his hands and said, “Don’t shoot!” to the cop he had just brutalized. They were, of course, dutifully putting up their hands and yelling “Don’t shoot!” at Chicago cops.
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Thanks a lot George |
Other leftists organizing to disrupt the Trump rally included A.N.S.W.E.R Chicago (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), a front for the Communist Party that is too far left even for David Corn of Nation Magazine. Also there was La Raza (The Race), a far-left group that believes our southwestern states rightfully belong to Mexico. Though it calls itself “The Race,” it calls America a racist country. Then there was the far-left Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, which advocates for open borders and mass immigration of so-called “refugees” who can go right on welfare upon arrival. Also participating was the Soros-funded Occupy! movement with their Guy Fawkes masks.
As if that were not enough, also present was moveon.org — another Soros-funded group affiliated with Media Matters — the leftist organization which dictates to the mainstream media what stories they should play up and what stories they should ignore. Cameras were rolling while aging domestic terrorist Bill Ayers gave an interview, he being a retired professor of education at the University of Illinois Chicago where the Trump rally was to be held. Ayers tweeted “We shut Trump down! Beautiful gathering of anti racist youth.” Hmm. “Anti Racist”? That’s rich. The rally was cancelled by the Trump campaign after leftists packed the hall inside and threaten to shut it down.
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Bill Ayers being interviewed outside Trump rally last weekend |
The next night, in Dayton, Ohio, a leftist named Thomas Dimassimo ran over barriers to lunge at Trump from behind while he was on an outdoor podium. Dimassimo grabbed Trump’s leg, before Secret Service guys arrested him. After he was released, Dimassimo said in a CNN puff piece that he wanted to grab Trump’s microphone and take over his podium as that network joined the chorus blaming Trump. CNN neglected to mention how Dimassimo publicly supports black racist terrorist Eric Sheppard who was arrested recently in Tampa after threatening to kill white people.
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Dimassimo's friend Eric Sheppard in the middle |
The mainstream media uniformly blamed Trump, claiming he condones violence. Although I’ve been a Ted Cruz supporter for the entire campaign, I don’t like that he joined in. I watched the Sunday morning political shows, all of which interviewed Trump and his rivals — and all of them dumped on Trump. I make it a point to watch both “Meet The Press” and “Fox News Sunday” each week so I can get an idea of how the left and right, respectively, are spinning the news. Last Sunday I could see they both used the same playbook. I think Trump held his own under the pressure.
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National Council of "The Race" disrupted Trump Rally |
Trump supporters don’t disrupt Sanders rallies, but it’s evidently okay for Sanders supporters to disrupt Trump’s. Some people shout questions to Hillary at her rallies about things she has done as First Lady and Secretary of State. They’re escorted from the hall, but there are no mass demonstrations to silence her. That’s what the left does, especially on college campuses. They shout down anyone with a different opinion than the leftist tripe they hear from their professors, and are often encouraged to do so by faculty and administration.
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Dimassimo tweets after assaulting Trump |
Conservatives like Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz are routinely shouted down from their podiums by “tolerant” leftists. They preach diversity, but only that of sexual orientation or skin color. Diversity of opinion is verboten. Even former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was disinvited from giving the commencement address at Rutgers because she isn’t politically-correct enough to pass muster with the Rutgers faculty.
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Leftists inside Trump Rally |
We ain't seen nothing yet. The Lefties are giddy with anticipation at the mayhem and carnage they can cause, all the while pretending to be simple citizens exercising their 1st amendment rights to protest the mayhem and carnage the Right isn't causing.
Can you imagine the poop-storm of hypocrisy when a right-wing "activist" so much as gives Hillary a single-digit salute at one of her rallies? I hope the DNC has budgeted enough for body-bags.
Soros did not fund Black Lives Matter. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/19/no-george-soros-didn-t-give-33-million-to-blacklivesmatter.html
Where is the evidence that the cops were harmed by protesters and not by Trump supporters? THe police themselves said that the violent behavior was coming from both sides and are unsure from where the bottle came from.
Reading your biased hack "journalism" would mistakenly lead one to believe that all the chaos is coming from protesters against innocent Trump supporters. Here is a link that show MANY instances of just the opposite - nasty Trumpers using violence against peaceful protesters. Video is included.
Oooo, good sources.
Where's the official IRS sheet on Soros linked "charitable donations"?
(I don't dispute the 33 million amount denial)
Hey, has Mother Jones EVER been "outed" for absolutely fabricated lies before?
Even AFTER they were positively "corrected"?
Let's check "Wiki" on that.
We now return you to Merriam Webster's College" edition.
"Shell foundations", and "Fungible".
Oooo.....who are THESE folks?
SOME of them have quite a "history", and unusual ideas concerning "peaceful protest".
Don't blame Trump?
Are you saying that the comments Trump makes is not inciting violence. Let's look at a few:
"I don't know if I'll do the fighting myself, or if other people will.."
"Maybe he should have been roughed up,"
"Just knock the hell out of them. I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees."
"I'd like to punch him in the face, I tell ya."
"You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks,"
We should not place any blame on somebody making those comments?
We should dismiss visual evidence because CaptDMO doesn't like the source that posted them?
I clicked on the link in the column from the "they're much more dangerous than he is" comment and saw a bunch of citizens voicing their displeasure with Trump with absolutely no violence whatsoever.
What a contrast with watching Trump supporters sucker punch (or sucker elbow) restrained protesters.
Trump may not be a bona fide fascist himself, but there is little doubt that he is tapping into fascistic sentiments. Trump fills out so many of the key components that collectively create genuine fascism. Here are ten key components, most of which fit Trump (except for number 6)
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Religion and Government are Intertwined
7. Corporate Power is Protected
8. Labor Power is Suppressed
9. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
10. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Amusing list of 10 "interpretations" above.
I only have one
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Much like NAZI, racist, misogynist, and (fill in the blank)-phobic, and my PERSONAL peeves, Podium, equality,
they keep using these words, but...
1. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS lie.
2. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS double down.
3. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS project.
History...and stuff.
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Yes, I agree with that definition. Not sure how it is at odds with the list of 10 components. Still Trumpy.
The funny thing is, I would still take Trump over Cruz for sure. He's just a bombastic egomaniac, but not as dangerous as a wicked out zealot. We would almost certainly get a better Supreme Court nominee than Cruz would offer.
Interesting you bing up "projecting" and "blindness", Tom, because your degree of self-righteousness smugness is astounding. It is what makes you so fun to read.
1. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS lie.
2. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS double down.
3. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS project.
A. If you don't see how moronic such blanket statements are you should just stay in a dark room and hum to yourself.
B. What a Bizarro World you live in where people fighting for Justice are the enemies.
C. Amusing list of 3 "interpretations" above.
Was it fascist to be disruptive and shout for no taxation without representation?
Was it fascist to shout and fight against slavery and civil rights?
Was it fascist to protest loudly against those trying to keep the vote from women?
Is it fascist for protesters to stage an anti-protest and shout down KKK Klansmen?
How about those that come to shout insults at Gay Pride events?
How about Pro-Life civil disobedience? These people seem to think the bible tells them it is ok to do this, but are they really fascists?
We know that they sometimes go beyond that into outright terrorism with their bombs, arson and murder.
Trying to pigeon hole fascism into a liberal or conservative position is futile, especially since the very definition of liberal & conservatism have changed since fascism was around (to any real degree). The whole left - right scale is crap as well and cheap way for moronic partisans to prove how much better they are than the other.
The ten components of Fascism that the Captain had problems with came from Lawrence Britt, who examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes, and identified these defining characteristics common to each.
How cute that the history "teacher" thinks free speech means being allowed to say whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want and however you want without criticism or protest. You crack me up.
It seems Tom is up to his S.O.P. when he is challenged with questions - he goes into hiding.
This is so fun.
A. If you don't see how moronic such blanket statements are you should just stay in a dark room and hum to yourself.
Feel free to debunk the thesis, point by point.
B. What a Bizarro World you live in where people fighting for Justice are the enemies.
We may disagree on what "Social Justice Warriors" (what I actually wrote), and people "fighting for actual justice", are. Not to mention who deems what is justice, and what is "special protections from consequences"
C. Amusing list of 3 "interpretations" above.
Shortcut citations to history, not my personal interpretations.
Feel free to debate the issue with the author,
Trigger Warning:
He (and his minions) do NOT suffer fools lightly.
There is NO "anonymous" function available there.
Disingenuous positions tend to get intellectually shredded in short order there.
Simple whining gets ignored.
The ten components of Fascism that the Captain had problems with came from Lawrence Britt,..."
Apparently other folks have "problems" with them as well!
WOAH! And the hits just keep coming!
About those driverless cars, google street, and protected/legislated corporate control.
But who's controlling who?
The only way to prove that all social justice warriors lie is to show an example of every social justice warrior lying. The babblings of some racist (sorry, that is the tag you are stuck with after calling an African-American a "half-savage") prove nothing. So keep humming.
ANd frankly, I don't give a crap about people debating the meaning of fascism, because it is just plain goofy to be throwing the word around like both sides do nowadays. Cheap attacks.
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