There are lots of problems living on the side of a hill with water flow during thunderstorms in summer, snow and ice in winter, engineering issues, and so forth - but there's one big advantage: a constantly-changing view.

My hard drive is clogged with sunset shots and they're all different. Just when I think I've captured it and start to go back inside, it changes and I shoot it again.

Have to stop shooting though because my daughter Annie is coming through the back door with my new granddaughter - who is visiting us for the first time.

It took a few minutes for her to adjust to the new surroundings.

Grandparents and great-grandmother admire Claire Lowell, newest member of the clan.

Working on an article for the Lovell Historical Society Newsletter and not writing a column this week. Last week's piece didn't run in the newspapers on Thursday because of Thanksgiving and will run this week instead. So, I'm posting some recent shots I like of my day-to-day life. Didn't finish with that this morning.
Noticed some frost on the beaver bog between Christian Hill and Shave Hill while driving to school.

A few miles further on, the sun was rising over the Old Course of the Saco River.

And another angle.

Checking the properties on Kezar Lake after school.

Another angle.

Still another angle with 120-year-old white pines. I know because I've counted the rings on their recently-deceased sister trees. I'm very happy to have my 18-270 zoom lens back.

Heading back home over Hatch's Hill Road.

Life is good.
Beautiful sunset pictures Tom - and your granddaughter is a beauty as well! Nothing to argue about this week I guess....
Congrats Tom. Today I just received a brand new grandson.
I have three sons and now three grandsons! I'm still waiting on that first granddaughter myself.
Thanks Peter, and you're right: Taking a week off from the Culture Wars - but I'll be back soon, probably with something about Climategate.
Thanks Dawn and congratulations to you too.
Congratulations on your beautiful granddaughter!
Visited our 2-year-old niece Zoey this Thanksgiving - another cutie.
(All of the photos in this piece were wonderful! Thank you!)
Great photos, Tom!
Hope Santa doesn't leave any carbon credits in your grandkids' stockings for Christmas...
Happy Holidays!
Nice to be able to agree with you for a change. :)
Babies are the great equalizer.
Hey Tom
It's nice to see that someone appreciate the wonderful world around us.
I feel like I live in paradise, on a peninsula, on the west coast of Florida, with water all around, there are a lot of beautiful views. But seeing your pictures, makes me realize that there is a lot of “paradise” in the world, you just have to stop and be grateful for all you have.
Especially, when they hold your finger, in their tiny hand, and smile at you.
Merry Christmas, from Kevin in Largo, FL
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and I can't wait for the New Year!
Congratulations to you and your family - babies are a great equalizer and its good to see a friendly and good tempered post!
I'm anxiously anticipating your next post on climategate!
Climategate? Didn't you just do a topic like that a few weeks back? I think I'll leave that conspiracry theory to people wearing tinfoil hats.
I have a clarification to make. My son and his wife tricked me.
We have a new granddaughter afterall! The first girl born in 40 years for us!
Her name is Lauren Elizabeth.
Absolutely beautiful!
NICE! Thanks Tom for the wonderful Autumn shots. We got nailed with snow on Friday, so nice to see green again.
Also can tell you are grandparents by all the decor on the fridge!
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