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Only seven at this point |
Way back in the 20th century I was born into a family of Boston-Irish-Catholic-Democrats, the fourth of eight children. We were taught that Protestants and Republicans were different from us and not to be trusted. My parents were politically active at the town level and some of my earliest memories are of our mother driving us kids around town to deliver fliers door-to-door encouraging people to vote for either my father running for local office, or a family friend. Politics of all kinds were discussed most nights around our supper table beginning at 5:45 pm. If I showed up late because I was fishing, playing baseball, or finishing my paper route, there would be consequences.
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My mother and father |
After supper I would sit in front of the television while my father watched the news. John F. Kennedy was our hero and my father proudly displayed a photo of him and Congressman JFK standing next to each other at a meeting to organize a public-employee union called NAGE — the National Association of Government Employees. That union later morphed into today’s SEIU, which functions as an army of Democrat poll workers and thugs. On weekends my father watched 30-minute episodes of “World at War” or “Victory at Sea” When a flotilla was crossing the English Channel on D-Day he would say, “I was there.” When the Battle of Okinawa was depicted with kamikazes crashing in to US ships he would say, “I was there.”
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Okinawa |
But then most other fathers on our street were WWII veterans. That’s how it was in suburban Massachusetts in the 1950s and 60s. Every kid was proud of his father and that shaped our world view. In the late sixties and early seventies, however, things changed. Baby boomers grew up, went to college. Many challenged the values of the Greatest Generation. They used drugs. They ignored sexual norms, and opposed the Vietnam War. Heroes like JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King were assassinated. Cities burned in riots. Protests divided the country. President Johnson chose not to run again. Nixon resigned. My older brother started using drugs and left home. Those previously edifying conversations around our supper table became acrimonious.
Similar things were happening up and down my street and across the country. American culture was fraying. Respect for the Greatest Generation was replaced by: “Don’t trust anyone over 30.”
That unraveling of American pride then paused during eight years of the Reagan Administration, but began anew under the Obama Administration. Last summer cities were again burning in the riots following the George Floyd’s death. America has started shaking again. Today, after only two months of the Biden Administration, political polarization in America is worse than at anytime since the Civil War.
And racism is back in the form of Critical Race Theory. Although banned by President Trump, it has become dominant in public school classrooms just since the November election. If you look at sample curricula virtually anywhere in our country now you’ll see students being taught to categorize themselves by the color of their skin, not the content of their character. White people are born “privileged.” They’re inherently racist against all other people. White people perpetuate “institutional racism” the theory claims, consciously or unconsciously.
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Such BS |
Curricula like “The 1619 Project” which purports the United States was built on slavery — and not on notions of liberty and freedom spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The 1619 Project is being adopted in public schools across several states and a new acronym has emerged: “BIPOC.” If you haven’t seen it yet, you will. It stands for: Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Our country is divided in two now: whites and BIPOCs. This is not good and it’s gaining momentum. Ask your children and grandchildren if they’re hearing it.
And it’s not just in schools. Coca Cola and many other mainstream corporations today train their employees to first acknowledge, then renounce their alleged “White Privilege” and learn to “Be Less White.” The training is mandatory and they must admit being racists.
My teaching career began in the 1970s after I was influenced by the craziness of the 60s and 70s. The first US History textbook I used was one of the most widely-used at the time. Today, however, it would banned. In the chapters leading up the Civil War, it summarized debates between between members of Congress from northern and southern states on slavery. Here’s what it says on page 274 of American History:
Southerners justified slavery as a good thing because:
- The African slave was an inferior human being. As an inferior, he was suited only to special kinds of work. This work was best done under a system of slavery.
- Slavery was approved by the Bible. Many southerners pointed out that slavery had existed in Biblical times. The Bible did not condemn slavery. Therefore, they added, it could not be bad or sinful.
- The slave was treated better than many white factory workers in the north … who worked 12 snd 14 hours a day often in poorly-lighted and unhealthy factories. The slave did most of his work in outdoor in an area that was much warmer and healthier than a northern city.
- Slavery was important in helping the South develop its leaders… The use of slaves made it possible for southern leaders to devote themselves to law, politics, and government service.
There were commensurate northern arguments against slavery with which you would already be familiar. My students would study, then role-play as ante-bellum northern and southern senators and members of Congress and debate just as Congress did in those years leading up to the Civil War. If a teacher were to try that today he’d be suspended immediately. On end-of-the-year evaluations, though, my students cited that debate as the lesson they learned the most from.
They learned also that slavery was practiced in every other civilization throughout human history — including in black Africa from which American slaves either purchased or captured. Many of our students today, however, believe slavery was unique to America.
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The Allegedly Reverend Al Sharpton |
Those southern senators and congressmen my students role-played were all Democrats. After WWII they were called Dixiecrats. Today’s Democrats, however, like to put on historical blinders when viewing their party's racist history. They claim that racist southern Democrats all became Republicans when Richard Nixon implemented his “Southern Strategy.” It’s classic projection. Trouble is, there’s little evidence for it.
Nixon said nothing remotely racist over a very long career from 1940s to the 1970s, but Democrats claim he used “racist dog whistles” like “law and order” and “states rights.” Really? Like a secret code? Only one senator — Strom Thurmond — became Republican and only one congressman — Albert Watson of South Carolina. Nearly all Dixiecrats supported Alabama Governor George Wallace, a Democrat, not Nixon. Though John Tower, Jesse Helms and Trent Lott joined the Republicans too, they hadn’t been Dixiecrats. The South became Republican in the 1980s and 90s because of Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America, not because of Nixon.
Few people know that a greater percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill than Democrats and Nixon was one of them. He also supported the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Tom Wicker of the New York Times wrote: “There’s no doubt about it — the Nixon administration accomplished more in 1970 to desegregate Southern school systems than had been done in the 16 previous years or probably since. There’s no doubt either that it was Richard Nixon personally who conceived and led the administration’s desegregation effort.”
Nixon is the president who actually got Affirmative Action going which discriminated against whites in favor of blacks and women. The south became Republican not because of any strategy of Richard Nixon’s. The south became Republican because the south became conservative. It had little to do with racism.
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Republicans all |
So here we are in 2021. The Democrats run the country again and they just enacted a $1.9 trillion “Covid Relief” bill which has very little to do with COVID. Rather, it has everything to do with Democrat agendas, like $350 billion for bailing out cities like Chicago and Los Angeles and states like Illinois, California, New York and others. Decades of Democrat mayors and governors have brought them to the brink of bankruptcy. They did this by negotiating overly-generous pension and benefit packages they knew they couldn’t afford for public employee unions like the above mentioned SEIU, AFS/CME, and others.
Democrat leaders knew these contracts were unsustainable. They also knew they’d be out of office when the bill came due. The so-called COVID Relief Bill also gives Democrat teachers’ unions tens of billions more to open the schools they’ve kept closed. Money isn’t the problem. They still have billions they haven’t spent from the last relief bill. Maybe some of you are old enough to remember Illinois Republican Senator Everett Dirksen’s remark from earlier times in that state: “A million here, a million there — pretty soon you’re talking real money.” If only it were still a million here and a million there. Now it’s a trillion here and a trillion there — and that’s still not enough for the Democrats!
Next will come still another multi-trillion-dollar piece of legislation — ostensibly for rebuilding infrastructure. Remember President Obama’s $800 billion in “shovel ready projects”? I challenge any of you to point to one of those shovel-ready projects we spent hundreds of billions on. I can’t point to any.
It was different with Republican public works projects over the years. We can point to the Hoover Dam in the twenties. Hoover was a Republican. We can point to Eisenhower’s interstate highways in the fifties. Eisenhower was a Republican. Where are Obama’s shovel ready projects from the 2000s? I give up.
We Republicans have our work cut out for us, don’t we? And so it goes…
There is a lot to unwrap and comment on here. I will stick with one topic.
The slaves purchased in Africa whether by Europeans or those sold on the Trans-Saharan market (which was 5x larger than the Trans-Atlantic trade) were captured by Muslims. Those slaves were brutally treated and millions died in transit. Slavery still exists in Islamic countries even today. Yet, 80% of prison religious conversions are to Islam.
Most people also don’t know that the Prophet Muhammad was a light-skinned Caucasian Arab who owned 30 black slaves. He even referred to an Ethiopian slave as a “raisin head”. I’m betting whoever the imams are pushing Islam on the black community in general leave these little factoids out of their recruitment speeches.
Muhammad Ali converted to the Nation of Islam and later became a Sunni Muslim. He also changed his name from Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. to Muhammad Ali. His namesake, Clay, was a Kentucky abolitionist. Muhammad’s son-in-law, Ali, also owned slaves. It seems either Elijah Muhammad and Malcom X, Clay/Ali’s mentors, likely didn’t know this or didn’t tell him.
Nearly every high school student whines about learning history because they say it’s boring and irrelevant. Actually, it isn’t either.
Btw, if anyone’s head explodes in disagreement with my points and would like to call be a racist, bigot,or Islamophobe, I don’t care. Do the research yourself.
It seems a lot of this is quite subjective. I wonder what the basis is for claiming that American pride unraveled less under Reagan than under Obama, and I am truly baffled by the comment that suddenly now, under Biden instead of Trump, "political polarization in America is worse than at anytime since the Civil War". I guess to that I say...speak for yourself. There is nothing wrong in stating your opinions, but don't try and make it sound like facts.
I am also wondering what the point is of the quotes from the history book. What part of them would be banned today? I guess I could see attempts from conservatives to ban it because it makes the Southerners look so ignorant and racist, is that what you mean? "Inferior", "The Bible...", "Shucks, slaves ain't got it worse than some..." Those were their arguments, yet you opine that the Northern arguments against slavery were "commensurate", as if the anti-slavery stance was equally lame? I must be interpreting you wrong, so sorry if I am.
I question too your claim that "Nixon said nothing remotely racist over a very long career". Taken from transcripts of telephone conversations conducted by Henry Kissinger, Nixon is quoted as saying: "We're going to [put] more of these little Negro bastards on the welfare rolls ... I have the greatest affection for [blacks], but I know they're not going to make it for 500 years. They aren't. You know it, too. The Mexicans don't live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like."
I will also respond to you questioning projects that were built under the Obama stimulus. It's easy enough to check the Transportation Department's website, which carries a rundown of stimulus projects, saying that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act "initiated more than 13,000 projects through the Federal Highway Administration, improving more than 42,000 miles of road and more than 2,700 bridges."
That is a whole lot more than the few miles of wall Trump added after promising he would get it all done.
Shovel ready projects?
An ASTONISHING number of US bridges needed/ need help, perhaps even preventative maintenance.
The "inspections" have been done. Work could have started in a week.
NOW, the brand new "Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge" has "issues" with "bad bolts".
IMHO, The Obama/ Manhattan"Gateway Project" has been riddled with "issues", by design, since the get-go.
But, well, you know......"Municipal Projects"
OTOH, Wollman Skating rink...under budget, and ahead of schedule.
Oh wait, that well maintained outdoor attraction is closed too. "For your safety".
Kafir, I'm unclear as to what your point is, but I don't see why anybody's head would explode from your statements.
A. Slaves were part of every culture throughout history.
B. I was pointing out that our country ended slavery while many Muslim majority countries still continue the practice.
C. It is ironic that many black people claim America is racist and then convert to Islam. They should do some research first.
D. Systemic racism is a false narrative. The black community should look in the mirror rather than blame their plight on white supremacism.
Got it?
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