Thursday, February 14, 2019

Left and Right February 12, 2019

Gino starts talking about a dead goose that he loved, which had been hit by a car in Jackson, NH. He wrote a letter to the editor about his grieving and got lots of feedback. We go next to the battle for Trump wall funding. Do we think he will declare a state of emergency? I say yes. Gino doesn't declare exactly what Trump may do. We go on to European immigration by Muslims and how politically destabilizing it is. George Soros is concerned that conservative backlash moving European nations rightward -- because of immigration which he has financed, both here in the USA and in Europe. He is worried the EU may disintegrate and wrote an op-ed about it. I describe the expansion of no-go zones in Europe where Muslims let no one in, where they have their own police and courts. Demographers forecast the trend to accelerate because Muslims have five or six times as many children as native Europeans -- and they're harassing Jews. Muslim Democrats elected to US Congress recently are increasingly anti-Semitic as well. I introduce Alexandria Occasio Cortez's proposed "Green New Deal" and read specific items from her FAQ released last Friday. It was endorsed by five announced Democrat presidential candidates and it's painful to read. After reading four or five specific items in the proposal, Gino acknowledges it's crazy and it will never happen. Then he actually blames the right for it. Why? He offers no evidence. We travel over a lot of territory. As I make points Gino doesn't like, he quickly introduces red herrings. He changes the subject so as not to respond to my arguments -- especially about the newly-elected, radical-leftist, Democrat members of Congress and takes things in a different direction. I go along, struggling to keep my tone moderate, and countering with facts. Ultimately, he plays the racist card again, and again with no evidence, because I criticize statements from newly-elected Muslim, Democrat members of Congress.


Brian said...

"I describe the expansion of no-go zones in Europe where Muslims let no one in, where they have their own police and courts. "

Could you please supply some facts or evidence that supports this?

Brian said...

Where did you come up with the average of 6 kids for each Muslim woman in France?

Pew research says it is less than 3.

Brian said...

Sorry, I misread what you said. You didn't say that Muslim women in Europe are having 5-6 children on average, you are actually (and even more ridiculously) saying that they are having 5 to 6 times more children than native European women. As the average European rate is 1.6, you are claiming that Muslim women are cranking out 8 or 9 children ON AVERAGE!!!

I really cannot figure out if the stuff you write is due to you being a bad combination of gullible and ignorant, or if you are just a flat out liar. The silence when asked to defend your statements makes me think the latter.

Mr Ed said...

I can see why Gino blames the right for occasional Cortex's New Green Deal, because you have to wonder whether she is a GOP plant for introducing such idiocy.

67 Democrats immediately on the 7th signed on to the plan, which hopes for no meat, no air travel and retrofitting every building in America to green, this in 10 years.

Our illustrious Pingree signed on immediately and last I read The King of Laptops and windmills was ready to also.

Yes that's right, I'm gonna junk my infernal combustion engine PU that is perfectly sound, already manufactured, already burned up the carbon footprint for an electric goat cart or just sitting around waiting for the Bus or train. True efficiency promoted by the president of the kindergarten class of loony leftism. All this energy running our society coming from windmills, photo cells and hot air from the likes of King and Pingree.

What is the real camel's back is not that I have to wait for the train for 20 years that ain't been built, but I'm not allowed to eat any meat. Cannibalism might be an option in 10 years.

As far as Trump and the wall, he has 2 years to build it, if he can't get it worked out by then, it might be King Pingree burgers in the future.

Mr Ed said...


CaptDMO said...

Left and right is DOOMED unless you can find a foil that's engaging.
I understand the solitude in low hanging fruit. I also understand the
challenge in in finding the right balance of intellect/oration suitable for the
broadest audience on the bell curve.
No, I have no "suggestions", as years of study, back and fourth, have ensconced my own confirmation bias of approved contrast.
ANY feedback on the assumed viewing demographic of the broadcast Left and Right, broken out by (eg)ALL the local "Affirmative Action" sects seen in daily "Scientifically approved, statistically derived,opinion polls" leading up to ANY election?
(Age, sex, gender,heritage,"education", income, occupation,...)

Brian said...

Mr. Ed

You have to wonder why you are unable to supply any evidence to support your irrational fears of muslim reproduction? Are you a russian bot? Or are you simply an islamaphobe?

Brian said...

Tom says... "I go along...countering with facts." And then complains that Gino is not giving any evidence.

And yet when Tom himself is asked to give facts or evidence he comes up blank. Pathetically hypocritical.

Mr Ed said...


No you are a russian bot. because the Russians want to destroy America, according to the US Congress, and you and they do also.

Take the recent senate open border bill for instance, take it, Brain and shove it where the sun don't shine

Brian said...

Mr Ed, if you believe that asking for facts, and evidence is wanting to destroy America, then I don't want any part of yours, or Trump's distorted image of America, I would rather have the truth.

The fact you think there is an open border bill in the Senate, and Tom thinks that Muslim women in Europe are cranking out 8-9 children on average perfectly displays the rampant ignorance caused by right wing media lies, lies from russian bots, and lies from Trump himself.

And if you are so concerned with russians destroying America, you would think you would be alarmed and angry over the many, many, lies the Trump administration has been caught in about their dealings with Russia.

Mr Ed said...


I think Clinton's Russian Collusion coup is about to fall on its face. It has become painfully obvious that there was a concerted effort by the permanent state to attempt a coup d etat on Trump.

The lies and hatred coming out of the loony left, maxine waters et al is well documented. The targeting of Tucker Carlson's home, The Covington kids, the Kavanaugh hearings, the violence against MAGA hat wearers again well documented on videos.

The insane Antifa crowd. whose one so-called leader pulled a pistol on the police at a school and was shot dead.

Any means necessary, another loony left group. Gifford with her bloody trump head.

Looking with pleasure at the upcoming libel trials against the loony press and celebs on the Covington case. SPLC getting sued again, another left wing lying hate group, look forward to it.

Build that wall, well we will see how that turns out. I don't have too much faith in Trump, certainly not going to hold my breath on that one. But as most Americans will probably agree, only thing worse than POTUS is the US Congress.

Brian said...

Your obsession with the Clinton's is tiresome. They have been has-beens for a while and have nothing to do with what is now going on.

I simply asked for some evidence of Tom's claims. I got none at all. All I get is you yammering alt-right talking points, and a lot of red-herring, off topic ranting. I won't allow you to sidetrack me, I'm here only to see if Tom can offer any evidence for his claims. He doesn't seem able to, but I will try what some say works for house-training a pet.....rubbing their nose in their own mess. I will keep rubbing Tom's face in the fact that he can't defend his words.

Mr Ed said...

Yes the Clinton's break the rule of law on their charity Fraud and you are tired of it.

The DNC and the Clinton daussier gets A FISA hearing and the FBI and CIA decide to try a 25th amendment Coup against the president and you are tired of it.

So here is the real dump the Congress just passed an immigration bill that went against the wishes of the majority of Americans wishes or at least that voted for that asshat Trump, Amnesty , no wall, the bill allows mandates increased legal and illegal immigrants and the idiot bastard Trump just signed it.

Maine's entire congressional idiots voted yes on it. Think about that when the debt increases to 25 Trillion dollars and your adult children have to work at Walmart for a minimum 15 dollar an hour wage. That will be the new minimum, but at whatever point they raise it to, the dollar and their labor will always buy less.

Mr Ed said...

If voting could change anything they wouldn't allow us to do it.

A reality hammered home big time with the latest US Government, no wall, mass immigration, still same old stupid wars, huge federal deficit, and a treasonous US Congress and idiot POTUS.

Appears the only savior for the republic is financial collapse.

Jay said...

I’m constantly amazed by liberal democrats demanding “proof” from conservatives. Democrats constantly make crazy claims about conservatives and conservatism and offer nothing but skimpy and ignorant “links” to their own foolish claims.
I remember having a discussion with a typical liberal in 2016 about whether Trump would win the election. This liberal cited about twenty “links” from websites citing “facts”” that proved Trump would lose.
It’s also true that most liberals are not even aware of what’s going on in the world since they only pay attention to liberal friendly media that doesn’t report news that goes against liberal agenda. Liberals are generally uninformed and their hatred for all things conservative has been ginned up by their media.
One has only to look at the current crop of idiots elected to democrat positions of power to realize this is true.

Brian said...

I'm constantly amazed at the total disregard of truth, evidence and facts the far right has.

Some are confused about the whole concept. "Predicting" an election is very different than stating facts for a truth that has already happened. It is unreal to me that people would like others to be able to make claims with no evidence to back it up. Wacky-World!

Which reminds me to get back to the previously mentioned pet training technique. When a scared dog runs away and hides under the bed from it's own pile of crap, you yank it out and put it's nose into it while scolding. So here is something for Tom to think about. Since Tom claims that Muslim women in Europe are having 8-9 children on average, that means that for every Muslim woman that goes childless there is a Muslim woman having 17 children to make up the average. I know Tom wasn't a math teacher, but that's a fact.

Jay said...

Since you know so very very much about everything under the sun, perhaps you can use a coyote to drag that dog out from under the bed?

Brian said...

Uh.....ok? And maybe you can form a Devil's Triangle and do some Boofing.

Jay said...

B/S. Sorry. I’ll explain. I was just referencing the discussion you and I were having not too long ago about illegal immigration in which you were demonstrating your vast knowledge of the subject. During that time you were making fun of me because of my reference to the coyote problem. Turns out you had no idea what a coyote was. You thought I was talking about an animal. I had to explain what a coyote was to a person who portrayed himself as someone who is well informed about the subject he was talking about.
Typical democrat behavior. Mainly because most democrats are not well informed because, again, they only pay attention to liberal friendly news sources. Seriously, if Donald Trump cured cancer and achieved world peace you would never know about it because your media wouldn’t report it.
There are no-go zones in Europe and Muslim couples are having a much higher then average amount of children. I don’t know what the exact number is because it varies from place to place and report to report. The number Tom quoted seems a might high but would not surprise me at all.
If you are going to present yourself as someone who knows nearly everything about everything, you might want to consider actually doing some research. Till then, your self righteous demeanor is old and tired and transparent.

Brian said...

What is your point? Did I ever dispute you after you said what slang you were referring to? Are you upset I didn't thank you? How does this relate to people pulling crap out of your ass and then being unable to defend it with evidence and facts? Tom said there were no go zones with their own police and courts. I'm still waiting on the evidence. I researched it. Even you know that Tom's children claim is hogwash.

Brian said...

And in case you needed it explained, the Devil's Triangle and boofing were references to you not knowing what Kavenaugh was talking about.

Jay said...

As I said, liberals go off half cocked with a minimal amount of “facts”. Only the “facts” that their main stream media feeds them. The liberal media has become a well oiled propaganda machine and most liberals buy into it whole heartedly because it gins up hate and that is an easy commodity to sell. The same happened in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s.

Brian said...

Tell me a fact I have wrong and I will listen. Ask me for facts for what I claim and I will supply them. Then if you think I have the facts wrong you can give me some of your own that shows why you think I was wrong. That is how rational discussion works. But I never seem to get any evidence or facts at all from you or Tom. And if I ask for some, which seems reasonable, you hide like Tom, or just avoid answering and instead give rambling diatribes against liberals.

Jay said...

No. No. The way this game works, or at least the way it’s always played by liberals is:
No matter what links I, or any other conservative provides, will be tossed off by the liberal as bogus, biased and nonsensical. 99% of the time, links that liberals provide ARE bogus, biased and nonsensical.
And God help any conservative who quotes Rush, Sean, or Fox News. The liberal torches come out on those.
The game you and most other good little liberals play is just a dance that I don’t care to participate in. And I wouldn’t like the partner.
I’ve done my research and due diligence. I know what of what I speak or I won’t speak about it. If I don’t know or am unsure I will tell you. That doesn’t make me better then you or anybody else. It just means that I employ a little common sense when I read, watch and speak. Common sense goes a long way when trying to figure out this insane world. Many thing that liberals mistakenly believe make no sense at all. That is why liberals get laughed at by conservatives.
Walls don’t work. Spank a child, go to jail but killing one right before birth is okay. Guns kill people unless the shooter is an illegal alien, then nobody cares. Single payer healthcare will drive down cost. Kill the egg of an American eagle and risk prison. Baby humans? Okay! Tax the rich to 70% and generate jobs. I could go on for hours.
The current crop of wanna-be-Nazis just elected by liberal dems to power is proof that liberals have absolutely no common sense.
Perhaps when you decide to fire off one of your ridiculous links as a salvo for your little war, you could judge them first to see if they make sense. As has been proven far too many times, just because something appears in print or on the Telly, doesn’t make it necessarily true.

Brian said...

All that babbling was a long-winded way of saying....Nope, neither I nor Tom has any evidence of what we claim.

So I simple is it to list a source about Muslim birth rates, like I did with the Pew Research? Oh, Pew Research is a "Ridiculous link". Gotcha.

Heck, I'll quote Fox News...this from Julie Banderas of Fox, apoligizing for false claims about no-go zones:

“Now this applies especially to discussions of so-called no-go zones, areas where non-Muslims allegedly are not allowed in and police supposedly won’t go. To be clear, there is no credible information to support the assertion that there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion.”

Throwing stuff out there without anything to back it is cowardly and pathetic, and the game of a loser.

Brian said...

...said the fool who supports a party where Nazis win primaries, and is unable to rationally discuss anything because of the blind hatred towards liberals instilled in him through the lies and propaganda of his fear mongering alt-right "media", and because he is unable to give facts behind his claims.

....oh, and still waiting for some evidence of the Muslim birth rate, and the "no-go" zones.

It is cute you are trying to fight this battle for Tom, but c'mon, he must have a thread of dignity and be able to speak up for himself. I think the case is that Tom is a bit smarter than you and realizes he got caught in a lie/uninformed statement and knows a defense is hopeless. And it seems not to be in him to acknowledge a mistake/lie. Like Trump. You, on the other hand, just come off as mentally unhinged and seem to really believe the alternate reality created for you within your bubble.

But this bears support a party where Nazis win primaries!!!!!

Jay said...

I don’t know what to say. Your last post is so far out in left field it’s laghable.
Since your party elected AOC I think perhaps you are hoping to emulate her thinking processes.

Brian said...

But this bears support a party where Nazis win primaries!!!!!

Mr Ed said...

Here is a compilation of kneejerk idiots who will believe any accusation by some dimwit.

You'd have thought that after the Covington Debacle just week away, that these morons would have learned some kind of lesson, but no.

Similar to our 4 congress critters who voted yes on a 1000 page open border spending bill within a day of being introduced, we are being ruled by morons and unfortunately Trump is right there also

Jay said...

This bears repeating: the democrat party ARE Nazis. Again, such a thing as a GOP Nazi doesn’t exist, can’t exist. They are on two opposite ends of the spectrum. But I’ve explained this all to you before, several times. Your insistence on this foolish non sequitur is proof that you don’t have the least bit of understanding of sociopolitical facts. Maybe you know about as much about this as you do about illegal aliens and border crossings and coyotes and such.
Democrats=the party of the KKK.

Brian said...

As I explained earlier jay, just SAYING the "the democrat party are Nazis" is just like SAYING immigrants ARE evil, or just SAYING 1+1=3, or just like SAYING Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd in history. You see jay, those are just words. But ACTIONS, on the other hand, results in truths. ACTIONS like voting for Nazis in a Republican primary. So Republicans supporting Nazis is a proven, undeniable fact. Your claim is just your opinionated words because once again you give no supporting facts.

So this bears support a party where Nazis win primaries!!!!!

But we have gone over this countless times. You bore me. I'm waiting for the dog to come out from under the bed.

Jay said...

Sorry to bore you. But, you’re right. Not ALL democrats are Nazis. Just the party in general and what it represents today.

Mr Ed said...

Ahh more manufactured hate from the left?

Shane said...

Oh, the big bad Muslim in congress, be very afraid...Not!

How many congressman are forced to visit a Muslim country every year?
How many congressman are bullied by the "muslim" equivalent of Aipac?
How many times have Muslims been caught stealing our nuclear secrets?
How many times have Muslims attacked our Navy?
How many Muslims were arrested and seen celebrating on 9/11?
How many states have adopted legislation that bans criticizing Muslim countries?
How many Muslim leaders have addressed our congress with no invite from the sitting President?
How many congressman have to sign a loyalty oath to a Muslim country?
How many lobbies are the Muslim equivalent to AIPAC?
How many congressman have dual citizenship with Muslim countries?
How many bible belt "Christians" have been duped to believe some end times fantasy and vowed to support a Muslim country?

The answer, to every single question. ZERO.

Israel, rather, zionism, is the biggest threat to the united states. Not Iran, not Russia, not China, not North Korea, not any other country on earth, nor Islam. Bar none. It's painfully obvious too. How does an American Catholic justify supporting Zionism? Oh, right, you can't articulate that or make a logical argument.