Boys will be boys, right? Not necessarily. Not anymore. In today’s public schools, boys might be girls. Not really of course, but people in the school have to act as if they were. Any who might object will likely find themselves forced into “sensitivity training.”
Students are being taught to deny their instincts. They know intuitively that there are two complementary sexes. They know what boys are and what girls are, but they’re being brainwashed into believing that male/female is a false dichotomy. Homosexual activists have become fluid-gender activists and they’re plying their propaganda playbook. They’ve been working very hard for decades to transform public schools and they’re at a point now where they dictate policy. Our children are being indoctrinated into believing that human beings are not male and female - that we’re all on a “gender spectrum” and we can change at will.
It’s dangerous in many ways, but mostly it’s dangerous because we’re encouraging children to repudiate their very nature. That’s bound to interfere with the learning process at other levels as well. If a kindergarten boy wants to be seen as a girl, the whole school has to treat him as if he were a girl. If students, teachers, or anyone else think there’s something wrong with that, they better keep their thoughts to themselves. Give voice to your thoughts and you’ll be told there’s something wrong with you. Other kindergarteners who know intuitively and instinctively that their classmate is a boy are taught not only to deny their instincts, but also that their instincts and their intuition are bad - hurtful to the boy - and must be repressed. Adults around them insist the boy who thinks himself a girl isn’t confused. Instead, it’s they who are confused.
Our mainstream media is complicit in all this. When they report on such cases, they use personal pronouns “she” and “her” when referring to the boy as if there could no doubt he was in fact a girl because he said he was, and that’s all that’s required. They “self-identify” as the law in Maine states. Has it ever bothered you when the media does that? Have you repressed your instincts when reading or hearing those mis-assigned personal pronouns? Did you think there was something wrong with you for thinking that just because a man or boy says he’s really a woman or girl, that doesn’t make it so?
Would it surprise you to learn that if you didn’t believe the man was a woman because he said so, and instead you believed that he was a very confused man, you may be charged with a human rights violation? You must watch the emperor parade naked down the street and you must praise his new clothes just as everyone else does. If the emperor says he’s a woman, you must also call him “empress.” We all must celebrate “diversity,” like it or not - or else.
Last December, After years of intense, drawn-out lobbying by homosexual activists, the American Psychiatric Association dropped “Gender Identity Disorder” from its list of psychological disorders. Was the decision based on scientific research? No. It was political pressure, just like its decision in 1973 to drop homosexuality from the list when homosexuals shouted down speakers they didn’t like at the annual APA convention. Political pressure drives APA decisions way more than science does. The Catholic Church, the religion to which this writer belongs, still teaches that homosexuality is disordered. It refuses to budge in spite of the scorn heaped upon them continually by those same activists, and by mainstream media.
There’s plenty of dissent with the APA’s politically-motivated decisions. For one example, after closing the sex-change clinic at his facility, Dr. Paul McHugh, Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital said of so-called “sex change” surgery that: “to provide a surgical alteration to the body of these unfortunate people was to collaborate with a mental disorder rather than to treat it.”
Nonetheless, schools across the country are being forced to allow boys who say they’re girls to use the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. In California, the Obama Justice Department helped homosexual activists force a school there to allow a girl who thinks she’s a boy to sleep in boys’ rooms unchaperoned on school trips. “Equality Maine” is sending paid homosexual activists out here to rural Maine for “re-education” on “transgender issues” this year. They’re determined to convince us hicks out here in the sticks that we have a problem if we don’t believe men are women or women are men just because they think they are.
For years I claimed that homosexual activists were using government and schools to brainwash Americans into furthering their agenda, but I don’t think that’s accurate anymore. They are the government now, and since our public schools are government schools, they are the schools too. They’re so thoroughly interwoven into staff, curricula and school board policy statements that there’s no more separating the two.
If any of this makes you uncomfortable, you better keep quiet unless you’re okay with being labeled a bigot by those activists who preach tolerance out of one side of their mouths and hurl epithets out of the other.
Students are being taught to deny their instincts. They know intuitively that there are two complementary sexes. They know what boys are and what girls are, but they’re being brainwashed into believing that male/female is a false dichotomy. Homosexual activists have become fluid-gender activists and they’re plying their propaganda playbook. They’ve been working very hard for decades to transform public schools and they’re at a point now where they dictate policy. Our children are being indoctrinated into believing that human beings are not male and female - that we’re all on a “gender spectrum” and we can change at will.
It’s dangerous in many ways, but mostly it’s dangerous because we’re encouraging children to repudiate their very nature. That’s bound to interfere with the learning process at other levels as well. If a kindergarten boy wants to be seen as a girl, the whole school has to treat him as if he were a girl. If students, teachers, or anyone else think there’s something wrong with that, they better keep their thoughts to themselves. Give voice to your thoughts and you’ll be told there’s something wrong with you. Other kindergarteners who know intuitively and instinctively that their classmate is a boy are taught not only to deny their instincts, but also that their instincts and their intuition are bad - hurtful to the boy - and must be repressed. Adults around them insist the boy who thinks himself a girl isn’t confused. Instead, it’s they who are confused.

Would it surprise you to learn that if you didn’t believe the man was a woman because he said so, and instead you believed that he was a very confused man, you may be charged with a human rights violation? You must watch the emperor parade naked down the street and you must praise his new clothes just as everyone else does. If the emperor says he’s a woman, you must also call him “empress.” We all must celebrate “diversity,” like it or not - or else.
Last December, After years of intense, drawn-out lobbying by homosexual activists, the American Psychiatric Association dropped “Gender Identity Disorder” from its list of psychological disorders. Was the decision based on scientific research? No. It was political pressure, just like its decision in 1973 to drop homosexuality from the list when homosexuals shouted down speakers they didn’t like at the annual APA convention. Political pressure drives APA decisions way more than science does. The Catholic Church, the religion to which this writer belongs, still teaches that homosexuality is disordered. It refuses to budge in spite of the scorn heaped upon them continually by those same activists, and by mainstream media.
There’s plenty of dissent with the APA’s politically-motivated decisions. For one example, after closing the sex-change clinic at his facility, Dr. Paul McHugh, Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital said of so-called “sex change” surgery that: “to provide a surgical alteration to the body of these unfortunate people was to collaborate with a mental disorder rather than to treat it.”
Nonetheless, schools across the country are being forced to allow boys who say they’re girls to use the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. In California, the Obama Justice Department helped homosexual activists force a school there to allow a girl who thinks she’s a boy to sleep in boys’ rooms unchaperoned on school trips. “Equality Maine” is sending paid homosexual activists out here to rural Maine for “re-education” on “transgender issues” this year. They’re determined to convince us hicks out here in the sticks that we have a problem if we don’t believe men are women or women are men just because they think they are.
For years I claimed that homosexual activists were using government and schools to brainwash Americans into furthering their agenda, but I don’t think that’s accurate anymore. They are the government now, and since our public schools are government schools, they are the schools too. They’re so thoroughly interwoven into staff, curricula and school board policy statements that there’s no more separating the two.
If any of this makes you uncomfortable, you better keep quiet unless you’re okay with being labeled a bigot by those activists who preach tolerance out of one side of their mouths and hurl epithets out of the other.