Marked for death, his life will never be the same. He and his wife move constantly under police guard. Kurt Westergaard did what he was told: he drew a cartoon of Muhammed for his employer, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. He had no idea that by doing so he would have to spend the rest of his life hiding from Islamofascists who want to kill him. Watching him interviewed on Danish TV, it occurred to me that Westergaard’s situation symbolizes the utter failure of Multiculturalism. Most Europeans still don’t get it and neither do most Americans. They still insist that we all tolerate a culture which pledges to destroy our own. Westergaard’s interviewer epitomizes smug, multicultural ignorance.
His cartoon depicted Muhammed with a bomb in his turban because he wanted to show “that there are terrorists who get their spiritual dynamite or their spiritual ammunition from Islam.” Radical Muslims proved him right as they rioted across the realm of Islam. His Danish interviewer asked if he felt responsible for a hundred riot deaths. “I see the riots as something which was staged by some governments in some badly managed countries,” responded Westergaard. They were staged because governments in Muslim countries want to divert popular attention from their failure. “But that is not my responsibility,” he concluded, and he’s right of course.
“But Kurt Westergaard, they would not have been in the streets of it hadn’t been because of your drawing,” said the interviewer. “What does it make you feel? You drew a few lines on a piece of paper. You took less than an hour to make that drawing and it has actually caused riots which cost more than a hundred people their lives. As a human being, how do you feel about that?”
He said he felt bad that those people were killed and repeated: “It’s not my responsibility. There were [radical Muslims] who had an interest in using [the drawing] more globally.”
“Why is it so important for you to draw that drawing that even these very large consequences does [sic] not create doubts in your mind?” the dedicated multiculturalist asked yet again.
Westergaard said it was important to express the dangers of radical Islam in the debate. “It should be reasonable to comment on something of a most alarming nature which goes on in this world today: this terror . . . Then we get this clash around freedom of speech, we experience . . . a cultural friction where there are two cultures which . . .”
“You mean the Islamic and the western culture?” asked the thick-headed interviewer.
“What values are you defending with a drawing like that?”
“I fight for Western values. I fight for freedom of speech . . .” said Westergaard. “We live in a secularized society, so it is clear that religion cannot demand any special status.”
“But do you think about that you could be causing trouble with such a drawing instead of fighting against self censorship?”
“Well I hope that such a satirical drawing works in some way when it is being seen.”
“And how is it supposed to work? How can you create freedom of speech with such a drawing of a prophet Mohammed with a piece of dynamite in his turban?”
“Well I think I serve freedom of speech when I make such a drawing. Freedom of speech has been put under some pressure. We experience museums which have to remove pictures. We experience an opera in Berlin which has to close down for a period of time and we experience that intellectual, cultural personalities who speak against Islam are threatened. Van Gogh [in] Holland was murdered. Hirsi Ali has to live under protection. I think there is good reason for us to demonstrate that freedom of speech is something which we cherish. We cannot live without it.”
Danish police recently arrested three Danish immigrants from Tunisia plotting to kill Westergaard in his own home.
“What do you think about that situation?” asks the interviewer. Westergaard said he and his wife were depressed about having to move around so much to avoid being murdered. He says he’s angry about being threatened and sentenced to death by fanatics. Then the Danish government released one of the Tunisian plotters. “You could risk meeting him in the walking street in Aarhus tomorrow,” said the interviewer. Then he summed it all up: the threats, the moving around, the hundred deaths, and the deportations. Given all this, does Westergaard regret making the drawing?
“No. I don’t.”
“Why not?”
“There would have been a similar confrontation, so this friction between these two cultures is there all the time. What has to be done in the future is that our culture, the . . . superior culture will win and we may see some more modified version of Islam which fits better in a secular society.”
This is anathema to multiculturalists who insist that all cultures are equal.
“So there are no regrets in your mind I can hear?” said the increduluous interviewer.
“No. We have to get a grip on it.”
Indeed. Liberal multiculturalists who dominate government in Europe and North America have to get a grip. The western culture they disdain is superior to, and must be defended against, Islamofascism. If they don’t give up their silly notions and wake up, we’re doomed.
Right on, Mac!!!
Wake up, America
Harvey in North Baldwin
What is this nonsense?
No "culture" is waging war on another "culture." That is so narrow minded. One sect may be, but you cannot blame everyone else from the culture as well. That is why this is happening in the first place!
People need to realize that culture is a social construct, not a biological one. People need to realize that there can be less biological differences between people of the same race and culture than there may be between the most similarly looking Americans or Europeans.
That is the same as blaming every American for something George W. Bush [or insert your least favorite politician] did wrong.
This is not a failure of multiculturalism. This is a failure of education.
Anonymous says:
"No 'culture' is waging war on another culture . . . One sect may be . . ."
Oh yeah? Check this out. According to an article in today's "Frontpage Magazine" by Daniel Mandel:
"statistical data indicates that Britain has something to fear, for the level of British Muslim radicalization is indeed high. A 2006 British Channel 4 News survey concluded that just 44 percent of 18-to24-year-olds feel Britain is their country, 51 percent of them believe September 11 was an American-Israeli conspiracy, while 30 percent of British Muslims would like to live under sharia law and 28 percent would like Great Britain to become an Islamic state. A Pew Research Center 2006 survey found that 81 percent of British Muslims consider themselves Muslim first and British second – a higher percentage of support for the priority of Muslim identity over citizenship than that recorded anywhere other than Pakistan (87%). Another Pew survey the same year shows 56 per cent of British Muslims also believed that September 11 was not carried out by Muslims. And a Daily Telegraph 2007 poll showed 25% of British Muslims sympathized with the motives behind the 2005 London bombings while 32 percent believed that 'Western Society is decadent and immoral and that Muslims should seek to bring it to an end.'"
Care to reconsider?
Certainly not.
Those statistics definitely do not prove me wrong. Those are not war cries, those are opinions.
I'm sure similar stats could be found for (as an example) Jewish people in America. Many Jews don't see America as their official "homeland." I'm sure a large percentage would consider themselves Jewish first and American second. I bet many do wish in their hearts that America would become a Jewish led country. Probably even a few think that Western commercialism is decadent and corrupt and should be abolished. Hell, I think Western commercialism (and government) is decadent and corrupt and needs to be changed. But none of those are necessarily even war cries, let alone ACTS of war.
Just for the record, I'm a typical American, of Western European descent, who was raised Lutheran. I was just educated well enough not to be a bigot or to rely on stereotyping.
You're blind to the obvious:
"Changing" western society is vastly different from "bringing it to an end."
"Death to America" as chanted by Iranians in the street or Hezbollah or Hamas or al Quaida is hard to misinterpret. That too is vastly different from "changing" western society.
I guess you won't see what you don't want to see.
Why do you hide behind anonymity? So you can call me a bigot? Evidently you're not educated enough to avoid the logical fallacy of an ad hominem.
Anonymous: I have some more "nonsense" for you from today's Frontpage Magazine:
"The Ikhwan [the Muslim Brotherhood's name for itself] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
This is from documents circulated by the Muslim Brotherhood among its offshoots here like CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), MAS (Muslim American Society), MSA (Muslim Students Association), oh and al Qaeda. Ever hear of them?
"Changing" American society is rather different from "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers." Wouldn't you agree?
I stick behind anonymous because I don't believe I can trust you.
I don't fall into the fallacy of ad hominem because I cleverly phrased it as describing it as the opposite of myself. Furthermore, it would only be an ad hominem argument if I said you are a bigot and therefor no one should listen to you. Rather, I say you are bigot and additionally, because of all the other evidence I give, no one should listen to you. I certainly was not trying to change the topic (which is what an ad hominem argument serves to do).
You're right - Hezbollah, Hamas, and al Quaida very obviously have hate against America. BUT THEY ARE NOT ALL OF ISLAM. They are RADICALS.
I could quote to you the tenants of the KKK, and say "now tell me all white Christians AREN'T evil-doers." No way would you think this was an accurate argument. No way would you think this had anything to do with you. But this is exactly what you are doing with Muslims.
You quote sources like Frontline Magazine to prove your point? They have the same opinions as you. That's like quoting the Bible to prove the Bible is true. Who's committing a fallacy (circulus in demonstrando) now.. If you want to use independently gained facts and statistics instead, maybe then I'll reconsider. But there are none to prove your point over mine.
Multiculturalism kills? The people who want to murder the Danish cartoonist are decididely not multiculturists. If I had to characterize them, I think I'd call them dimwitted religious conservatives.
You knopw, of course, what Voltaire said about freedom of speech. Well, I'll stand with him on that point. If anyone were to threaten you over one of your comments, I would gladly drive up to Lovell and help stand guard, because your right to express your opinions, vile though I might find them, is important to me. Carry on!
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